Grow your communication skills alongside colleagues in a challenging, interactive, and inspiring atmosphere.
CONTENT Workshop
Build your lighthouse // What you'll say
It's hard to write powerful, grabbing, moving content for presentations or guided conversations. Doubt it? Just think about the last ten meetings or presentations you've had to sit through.
Most presenters or meeting hosts don't realize the most valuable thing they have to offer their audiences: guidance.
In Lighthouse Point's CONTENT workshop, you'll learn The 12 Questions—what you need to ask yourself to write and organize clear, moving content designed to guide your listeners and leave them ready to act on what you've said.
Skills You'll Learn
Understanding what your audience needs from you
Focusing your content so every moment serves to guide your audience where they need to go
Outlining and organizing content for maximum impact
Grabbing—and holding—your audience's attention
Creating killer openings and effective, directional closings
Infusing variety
Leading your audience to the Persuasion Step™—what you want them to do next
Writing and organizing more quickly and efficiently
Full-day or two half-days
Group size: 10-16
Supplementary Content Guide for re-use
Either virtual or in-person
Light your lighthouse // How you'll say it
You want to deliver in a way that communicates confidence, trustworthiness, and charisma. Your audience wants you to deliver that way, too.
In Lighthouse Point's DELIVERY class, you'll not only learn what you need to be doing to deliver so your audience pays attention to you and believes you, but you'll receive expert coaching from a world-renowned speaker coach.
In the coaching sessions, you'll get the feedback, correction, and encouragement you need to not only improve, but continue to improve long after the workshop has ended.
Skills You'll Learn
Overcoming nerves and fears by zeroing in on your personal value and what you bring to your audience
"Spotlighting" key points with your voice to make them stand out
"Visualizing" ideas with your hands, face, and body so they see your words
Reducing your audience's cognitive load so they're not distracted from your message
Being present with your material while you speak
Starting strong and ending stronger
Creating great speaker notes so you're ready to deliver the way your audience needs you to
Full-day or two half-days
Group size: 10-16
Live coaching from an expert delivery coach
Either virtual or in-person
Shine bright // Impress potential investors and partners
As a founder you know how important it is to communicate your business with confidence, clarity, and charisma.
Why? Because you're delivering to some of the toughest audiences on the planet.
In our DELIVERY FOR FOUNDERS workshop, you'll learn what delivery investors crave and you'll get coached on ways to bring energy and excitement to your pitches.
You're going to leave feeling empowered and unafraid, ready to face those scowling investors and sell your company in a way that moves them to action.
Skills You'll Learn
Discovering your personal value and how let your passion for your business or idea come forth
"Spotlighting" key points with your voice to make them stand out
"Visualizing" ideas with your hands, face, and body so they see your words
Reducing your listeners' cognitive load so they're not distracted from your message
Dealing with your presenting fears
Grabbing their attention with your energy and clarity
Half-day (4 hours)
Class size limited to TEN ATTENDEES
Live coaching from an expert delivery coach
Wednesday, Sept 1
Wednesday, Sept 8
Only TEN spots available for each! Sign up soon!