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Giving a Presentation

Power Delivery

Coming October 4!

Work 1:1 with a delivery coach to become the kind of speaker audiences love to hear.​


Transformation is possible. You just need a personal delivery coach to identify your strengths and areas for improvement and then work with you to increase your confidence, clarity, and charisma


Every interaction with your coach will be challenging, fun, encouraging... and worth every bit of time and effort you put into it.


Sign up now... and start improving right away.

Features & Format

  • Virtual via Zoom or in-person​

  • 50-minute sessions

  • Each coaching session includes a follow-up email detailing the session and next steps to take

  • Work with a world-renowned speaker coach who's worked with CEOs of Fortune 10 companies... as well as regular Joes who just want to get better and get noticed

Typical Session Outline

  • Discuss recent presenting opportunities—what worked, what didn't​​


  • Run through content for upcoming presentation​​


  • Receive real-time feedback and coaching for improved delivery


  • Run through again with continued coaching


  • Summarize session and focus on next steps


Are you a

Learning & Development Professional or team leader interested in this for your group of organization?

Power Delivery Coaching


Pencil and Notebook


  • A clear articulation of the benefit you're giving your audience

  • Better organizing your content

  • What to cut and what to keep to lower cognitive load

  • Crafting an opening that makes your audience put down their phone and lean in

  • Creating a final minute that clearly directs and inspires

  • Spotlighting power stories, key stats, and memorable moments

  • Designing speaker notes that actually work


  • During a 15-minute pre-review call, you'll walk your content coach through your current outline or presentation materials

  • A content coach will review your materials (along with supplemental materials, as needed)

  • The content coach will put together a Feedback & Suggestions document outlining what steps need to be taken to take your presentation to the next level

  • You'll meet with the content coach for an hour Feedback & Suggestion Session where the coach will walk you through the document and help you as you take your next steps




Coming October 4!

Are you a

Learning & Development Professional or team leader interested in this for your group of organization?

Content Coaching

Improve your upcoming presentation with guidance from a trained expert.​


Staying objective about an important presentation—whether it's a company overview, an investor deck, a product or service overview, or a guided sales conversation—is challenging.


By working with a trained, expert presentation writer, you'll get custom recommendations on ways to improve your content through reorganization, cutting, storytelling, and crafting more attention-grabbing openings and motivating endings



Coaching for Founders
Presenting at a conference

Coaching for

Coming October 4!

Pitching to investors is hard. We can help.​


When you're talking about your business to potential investors or partners, there's a lot on the line. 


It's not enough to win over your listeners to your idea or business. You need to win them over to you.


Almost all they're going to know about you, your personality, and what kind of person you are is going to come through how your present.


Confident, clear, charismatic founders get the investment and partnerships they need. That's where our coaching comes in.



  • Three, 50-minute 1:1 live, virtual coaching sessions

  • (Can be combined into one, 150-minute session with 15 minute break)

  • Can include other presenting founders or team members

Areas of Focus

  • Overall structure of your pitch

  • Ways to improve your opening and closing

  • Preparing you for interruptions and rabbit trails

  • Assessing your delivery strengths and areas to improve

  • Live coaching as you practice your pitch

  • Next steps for continued improvement




(Optional follow-up live, 1:1 coaching session available at discounted rate)

Are you a

Learning & Development Professional or team leader interested in this for your group of organization?


Understand your delivery strengths, weaknesses, and ways to improve.


Most people can't give you valuable feedback on your delivery. They're either too soft, too harsh, or lack the language to describe what they see. 


With our Delivery Assessment service, you'll get feedback from a trained delivery expert and coach along with customized recommendations for building on your strengths, overcoming your weaknesses, and transforming the way you communicate.

Delivery Coaching


  • Upload a video of your presenting (maximum length: 60 minutes)

  • Fill out simple questionnaire about your presenting experience, fears, concerns, past wins

  • You'll receive an assessment document which includes numerical scores across ten categories and qualitative comments on your delivery strengths, areas to improve, and ways to transform the way you communicate

Areas of Focus

  • Confidence

  • Clarity

  • Charisma

  • Use of hands

  • Body movements

  • Vocal variety

  • Passion

  • Emotional appeal

  • Authenticity

  • Opening

  • Closing




(Optional follow-up live, 1:1 coaching session available at discounted rate)

Are you a

Learning & Development Professional or team leader interested in this for your group of organization?

Delivery Assessment
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